I saw my daughter, who just turned 1, this morning grabbing a doll and hugging her. It was something simple, perhaps even ordinary, but I just couldn't help thinking how natural the maternal instinct can be in a little girl. It also reminded me of the million times I role played "mom" in a myriad of situations: cooking, taking care of children, shopping and how, as I read in different psychology articles and books, role play is perhaps the most successful way for children to explore their feelings, emotions and let out anxieties and fears.
You don't really need to spend money in real toys for children to role play, but let me show you some really cute accessories to encourage role play that we have at
Kobold Toys:
For the little cook, first "Carlos Pinafore"...
And then veggies and food to cook...

Of course, the shopping cart...

For the fashionista, a nice set or jewelry....

For the "mom", the timeless doll...

And for the "housewife", a nice doll house to take care of...

Role playing is an awesome outlet for kids. It keeps them imaginative, creative and it helps them to emotionally express themselves.