Monday, April 27, 2009

Crikey! Kobold Welcomes Bindi!

Need a friend for Barbie who is less into her pink convertible and more into adventure? Say G'day to Kobold's mate, Bindi. Bindi is ten inches tall and cares more about wildlife than fashion. Modeled after the famous child conservationist, Bindi Irwin, and recorded with Bindi's real voice, the doll recites 10 environmentally empowering phrases. Bindi also comes with accessories for pretend wildlife and nature exploration. At Kobold Toys, you can choose from Bindi Ocean & Surf Rescue or Bindi Wildlife Rescue.

You'll need to broaden your Aussie vocabulary to interact with Bindi- here are some of Kobold's favorite Aussie terms:

Bonzer! - Great

Dinkie-Di- Genuine, honest

Greenie - Environmentalist

Hooroo - Goodbye

Lolly- Candy

Stickybeak - Nosy Person

Wog- An illness, like the flu

If your child is a fan of the Never Never and is in need of a new cobber (friend), Bindi is the perfect addition. Also, consider Bindi's outback animal collections.
Tune into Bindi the Jungle Girl to learn more about wildlife conservation.

1 comment:

Native American Momma said...

That is so cute she has her own doll.

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